2010 – See the 2013 steps, make sure the 2010 web app uses claims based authentication, then after that everything is the same, you can’t use a classic web application.
Note: With this method, you do not need to modify the web.config of central admin or of any of the web applications, present or future. You only need to modify the machine.config and the web.config of the SecurityTokenServiceApplication web services.
So; this is the preferred method. There are other methods out there that have you modify central admin’s web.config, the web.config of each web application, and the security token service application web.config; but, who want’s to go to all that trouble. And have to repeat for every new web application, no less. I’m lazy and I would rather have the FBA be a possibility on every future and present web application. I also get really sketchy when I think about modifying the central admin web.config; so, that’s why the method that is spelled out in detail, on Chris Coulson’s blog, is optimal.
After clicking next, the following screen appears and you should click next if you’re OK with the info. It doesn’t hurt to read it, since if there is a typo this is your chance to change it.
Then, on the next screen click Finish.
Note: if you recieve some sort of error about not being able to connect to the SQL server instance, make sure that the services for SQL server and SQL server agent are started. Don’t worry about the SQL Server Browser
The connection strings section will look like the image above
Note: you may need to modify the name of the SQL Server from the Alias that I was using. You might not have an alias in place and you can determine that by looking at cliconfg.exe. Make sure that the line of code that reads “Server=SharePointSQL….is updated for whatever your servername is, or preferably your alias (e.g. “Server=SPAlias….or “Server=MDCP15SQL… or whatever)
After the connection strings is updated it will look something like this:
Find the < providers>section, it will look like this
Note: You’ll be adding a section to the and to the not the profile providers
Make sure to update the correct sections
The finished product should look like this
Notice how the edits were not made to the Profile Providers. Watch out for that, it’s easy to miss.
When you’re done it should look like this, only it will not have the yellow stain on it.
Ok, now you’re ready to make SharePoint work with these changes, Make sure you make them on all servers in the farm if you have more than one SharePoint server. Not needed on SQL. Open Central administration just to make sure you haven’t annihilated your farm. Open a few site collections that are in the web application that will get the FBA applied.
You could reset IIS for good measure, but it really shouldn’t be needed, as changes to these files causes that to happen automatically, or at least it should.
To set the FBA perform the following:
Once the zone configuration screen opens,
Now if you try to open a web application or site collection, you’re going to get the default Sign in prompt for FBA, it will allow you to choose between Windows Integrated or Forms Based Authentication
You still cant use FBA though, even if you select it and try to use it, because there aren’t any FBA users in the aspnetdb at this time. The FBA Pack will allow you to add users to the database. The 2013 post on Chris Coulson’s blog for 2013 SharePoint explains another method.
The FBA Pack Solution will allow you to add and manage users
Download the solution and deploy it to your SharePoint Server. It comes with a really awesome deployment script that allows you to target one web application or the entire farm.
After you save the solution, in c:\deploy for example, then open an administrative SharePoint management shell and execute it as shown below, if you want it deployed to the entire farm
If you want it deployed to a specific web application then instead of typing .\deploy.ps1 you would type .\deploy.ps1 http://urlToThatSpecificWebApplication.Domain.com where domain.com is your domain and top level domain suffix (e.g. sharepoint.local, springfield.local, bdbsa.org, ssa.gov, or spt.local, or whatevs)
Please let me know in the comments section if there’s anything on here that could be made clearer and have fun!