East grand rapids property tax rate

Millage Rates (Property Tax Rates)

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Grand Rapids City Kent County Ottawa County

To figure the amount of taxes for a home, locate the municipality in the first column and the corresponding school district. Once you have the municipality and school district, move across to the " Total Homestead " column (if you intent to occupy the home as your primary residence). This number is the total millage rate at which your property will be taxed. " Non-Homestead " is for a home you do not intend to use as primary residence. The "Total" millage rates are the total amount of property taxes you will pay for the year, however, you will receive two tax bills each year (summer taxes + winter taxes = total).

To figure out the taxes for a home you already own, multiply the millage rate by your home's taxable value (multiply the millage rate by thousands of taxable value, so if taxable value is $145,000, multiply millage rate by 145).

To figure out the taxes on a home you may purchase, divide the estimated purchase price of the home by 2 (This may be close to the new taxable value of the home after you purchase and it is reassessed). Take the number of thousands from that answer and multiply by the millage rate. For example, $150,000 purchase price divided by 2 = $75,000. Take 75 (number of thousands) and multiply 75 x's 28.7644 (Total Homestead for Ada Township/Forest Hills Schools) to arrive at $2157 as the annual property taxes. E-mail me if you have further questions. Additional information can be found at the end of these tables.

Kent County Millage Rates - 2008

Locality, School Dist
Summer Homestead Winter Homestead Total Homestead Summer
Ada Township:
Forest Hills 18.9803 9.7841 28.7644 27.9803 18.7841 46.7644
Lowell 18.8303 9.6341 28.4644 27.8303 18.6341 46.4644
Northview 18.4331 9.2369 27.6700 27.4331 18.2369 45.6700
Algoma Township :
Cedar Springs 22.3303 5.1983 27.5286 40.3303 5.1983 45.5286
Rockford 20.0778 9.9457 30.0235 29.0778 18.9457 48.0235
Sparta 18.8979 8.7659 27.6638 27.8979 17.7659 45.6638
Alpine Township:
Comstock Park 24.4923 5.3126 29.8049 42.4923 5.3126 47.8049
Kenowa Hills 18.6903 5.3126 24.0029 36.6903 5.3126 42.0029
Sparta 18.8979 8.8802 27.7781 27.8979 17.8802 45.7781
Bowne Township:
Caledonia 18.8303 9.5005 28.3308 27.8303 18.5005 46.3308
Lakewood 8.8535 14.9733 23.8268 8.8535 32.9733 41.8268
Lowell 18.8303 9.5005 28.3308 27.8303 18.5005 46.3308
Thornapple 15.3303 12.1205 27.4508 15.3303 30.1205 45.4508
Byron Township:
Byron 19.3221 8.1222 27.4443 28.3221 17.1222 45.4443
Grandville 21.4433 4.1305 25.5738 39.4433 4.1305 43.5738
Kentwood 18.4303 7.2305 25.6608 27.4303 16.2305 43.6608
Wayland-Union 12.3535 11.7522 24.1057 21.3535 20.7522 42.1057
Caledonia 18.8303 9.1167 27.9470 27.8303 18.1167 45.9470
Thornapple 15.3303 11.7367 27.0670 15.3303 29.7367 45.0670
Cannon Township:
Forest Hills 15.3303 12.8766 28.2069 15.3303 30.8766 46.2069
Lowell 18.8303 9.0766 27.9069 27.8303 18.0766 45.9069
Rockford 20.0778 10.3240 30.4018 29.0778 19.3240 48.4018
Cascade Township:
Caledonia 18.8303 10.4703 29.3006 27.8303 19.4703 47.3006
Forest Hills 18.9803 10.6203 29.6006 27.9803 19.6203 47.6006
Lowell 18.8303 10.4703 29.3006 27.8303 19.4703 47.3006
Courtland Township:
Cedar Springs 22.3303 5.1220 27.4523 40.3303 5.1220 45.4523
Rockford 20.0778 9.8694 29.9472 29.0778 18.8694 47.9472
Gaines Township:
Byron 19.3221 8.2842 27.6063 28.3221 17.2842 45.6063
Caledonia 18.8303 7.7925 26.6228 27.8303 16.7925 44.6228
Kentwood 18.4303 7.3925 25.8228 27.4303 16.3925 43.8228
Grand Rapids Township:
East Grand Rapids 25.1509 5.0200 30.1709 43.1509 5.0200 48.1709
Forest Hills 18.9803 8.6700 27.6503 27.9803 17.6700 45.6503
Northview 18.4331 8.1228 26.5559 27.4331 17.1228 44.5559
Grattan Township:
Belding 8.8535 17.0849 25.9384 8.8535 35.0849 43.9384
Lowell 18.8303 9.1121 27.9424 27.8303 18.1121 45.9424
Rockford 20.0778 10.3595 30.4373 29.0778 19.3595 48.4373
Lowell Township:
Caledonia 18.8303 7.7185 26.5488 27.8303 16.7185 44.5488
Lowell 18.8303 7.7185 26.5488 27.8303 16.7185 44.5488
Nelson Township:
Cedar Springs 22.3303 5.1462 27.4765 40.3303 5.1462 45.4765
Tri-County 8.8535 13.4016 22.2551 8.8535 31.4016 40.2551
Oakfield Township:
Belding 8.8535 15.6715 24.5250 8.8535 33.6715 42.5250
Cedar Springs 22.3303 4.1987 26.5290 40.3303 4.1987 44.5290
Rockford 20.0778 8.9461 29.0239 29.0778 17.9461 47.0239
Greenville 8.8535 16.2904 25.1439 8.8535 34.2904 43.1439
Plainfield Township:
Comstock Park 24.4923 6.7105 31.2028 42.4923 6.7105 49.2028
Kenowa Hills 18.6903 6.7105 25.4008 36.6903 6.7105 43.4008
Northview 18.4331 9.8133 28.2464 27.4331 18.8133 46.2464
Rockford 20.0778 11.4579 31.5357 29.0778 20.4579 49.5357
Solon Township:
Cedar Springs 22.3303 3.3650 25.6953 40.3303 3.3650 43.6953
Kent City 19.9553 7.9900 27.9453 28.7218 16.7565 45.4783
Tri-County 8.8535 11.6204 20.4739 8.8535 29.6204 38.4739
Grant 8.8535 16.8883 25.7418 8.8535 34.8883 43.7418
Sparta Township:
Kent City 19.9553 8.3925 28.3478 28.7218 17.1590 45.8808
Sparta 18.8979 7.3351 26.2330 27.8979 16.3351 44.2330
Spencer Township:
Cedar Springs 22.3303 5.7585 28.0888 40.3303 5.7585 46.0888
Greenville 8.8535 17.8502 26.7037 8.8535 35.8502 44.7037
Lakeview 8.8535 19.0534 27.9069 8.8535 35.7102 44.5637
Tyrone Township:
Kent City 19.9553 10.2880 30.2433 28.7218 19.0545 47.7763
Sparta 18.8979 9.2306 28.1285 27.8979 18.2306 46.1285
Grant 8.8535 19.1863 28.0398 8.8535 37.1863 46.0398
Vergennes Township:
Lowell 18.8303 7.7904 26.6207 27.8303 16.7904 44.6207
Cedar Springs City:
Cedar Springs 38.6717 2.5405 41.2122 56.6717 2.5405 59.2122
East Grand Rapids City:
East Grand Rapids 40.8171 3.4205 44.2376 58.8171 3.4205 62.2376
Grand Rapids City:
Caledonia 31.4020 2.5405 33.9425 49.4020 2.5405 51.9425
Forest Hills 31.7020 3.5405 35.2425 49.7020 2.5405 52.2425
Grand Rapids 26.1720 2.5405 28.7125 43.9978 2.5405 46.5383
Grandville 30.5150 2.5405 33.0555 48.5150 2.5405 51.0555
Godwin Heights 27.6020 2.5405 30.1425 45.6020 2.5405 48.1425
Kenowa Hills 27.7620 2.5405 30.3025 45.7620 2.5405 48.3025
Kentwood 30.6020 2.5405 33.1425 48.6020 2.5405 51.1425
Grandville City:
Grandville 30.8473 3.4205 34.2678 48.8473 3.4205 52.2678
Wyoming 29.4343 3.4205 32.8548 47.4343 3.4205 50.8548
Kentwood City:
Caledonia 27.3121 6.9205 34.2326 36.3121 15.9205 52.2326
Kelloggsville 26.5621 6.1705 32.7326 35.5621 15.1705 50.7326
Kentwood 26.9121 6.5205 33.4326 35.9121 15.5205 51.4326
Forest Hills 27.4621 7.0705 34.5326 36.4621 16.0705 52.5326
Lowell City:
Lowell 34.9018 6.9205 41.8223 43.9018 15.9205 59.8223
Rockford City:
Rockford 30.9778 8.1679 39.1457 39.9778 17.1679 57.1457
Walker City:
Comstock Park 26.7783 3.4205 30.1988 44.7783 3.4205 48.1988
Grandville 23.7293 3.4205 27.1498 41.7293 3.4205 45.1498
Kenowa Hills 20.9763 3.4205 24.3968 38.9763 3.4205 42.3968
Wyoming City:
Byron 30.9494 7.4122 38.3616 39.9494 16.4122 56.3616
Grandville 33.0706 3.4205 36.4911 51.0706 3.4205 54.4911
Godfrey - Lee 38.4052 3.4205 41.8257 56.4052 3.4205 59.8257
Godwin Heights 28.5576 5.0205 33.5781 37.5576 14.0205 51.5781
Kelloggsville 29.7076 6.1705 35.8781 38.7076 15.1705 53.8781
Kentwood 30.0576 6.5205 36.5781 39.0576 15.5205 54.5781
Wyoming 31.6576 3.4205 35.0781 49.6576 3.4205 53.0781
Caledonia Village 24.2743 6.9205 31.1948 33.2743 15.9205 49.1948
Casnovia Village 31.4553 8.0455 39.5008 40.2218 16.8120 57.0338
Kent City Village 27.9553 8.0455 36.0008 36.7218 16.8120 53.5338
Sand Lake Village 37.8464 3.4205 41.2669 55.8464 3.4205 59.2669
Sparta Village 33.3979 6.1081 39.5060 42.3979 15.1081 57.5060

Ottawa County Millage Rate - 2008